Phantom OPS premiers RxnderSafe Platform and Mobile Showcase at Scranton's National Night Out

Published August 10, 2018

Law Enforcement, First Responders, and members of the community in and around Scranton were among the first to see Phantom OPS new mobile showcase on Tuesday. In conjunction with Inert Products, the community was able to interact with a number of tools and training aids that police officers utilize.

Police and their families tested holsters, drug detection systems, and even got to practice firearms handling with the new Mantis X Training System.

What is RxnderSafe?

RxnderSafe provides a 100% environmentally safe and non-retrievable method for the destruction and neutralization of chemical medications and controlled substances.
Implementing RxDestroyers patented and proprietary system for safe neutralization, we have provided an enhanced process to allow for a scalable and convenient option for the industry.
This patent-pending process, designed by a team of engineers and industry experts, has been developed to allow the neutralization process to come to your facility. This eliminates the need for transportation and change of ownership concerns for hazardous or controlled substances.

Visit for more details on this process.